Friday, April 9, 2010

Just waiting...

We are in an unsettling time of the school year when we still have a lot of days left of work, but the end is fast approaching.  This year it's not just the end of the school year, but the end of our time in Korea.  We're moving to Shanghai.  At this point we are starting to feel certain questions bubbling up to the surface.  Do we start to plan for the summer, the move to Shanghai, start packing?  Who knows what Shanghai will be like.  Will we like our new home, our new jobs, colleagues?  What will we have wished we had brought with us this time?  Hangers like when we got here to Korea?  What will we miss from Korea besides our wonderful group of friends? 
In the mean time, work continues.  We are still grading, creating new lessons, hopefully engaging our students.  Social life continues with hanging out with friends, planning out our weekends, training for a sprint triathlon in May.  Somehow it still feels like we are waiting. 

The future is more present at the moment then the here and now. 

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