Saturday, October 24, 2009

Ninety 6th graders and me

After I came home from spending 3 days and 2 nights with close to 100 7th graders last year, I swore that I would never, ever chaperon a school overnight trip again. Well, 1 year has a way of dulling the vehemence of an emotion and I agreed to chaperon a similar trip instead with 6th graders.
The trip was great. The students were loud and rambunctious, but cute and harmless none the less. We left from school at 8am and flew to Jeju Island, known for its wind, rocks and women. We were ready to learn all about them and were immediately bussed off to our 1st of 6 stops our first day. In 3 days we saw lava caves, museums, orange plantations, an observatory, a world natural heritage site, rode in a submarine, saw some waterfalls, the world cup stadium, more mountains, and an historic site where the 1st foreigners made contact with Korea. Whew!
Here are some pictures from the trip.
Susan Rise Peak

Women Diver Museum

Lava tube cave "Manjang Gul Cave"
Eating dinner, Korean Black Pork
At the orange plantation where we were allowed to pick all we could eat in 30 minutes!
The summit of our hike to Halla Mountain.

Halla Mountain, a natural world heritage site
Halla Mountain
Jusang Jelri, beautiful lava rock formations
Jusang Jelri, beautiful lava rock formations
Cheonjiyeon Falls
Cheonjiyeon Falls
Cheonjiyeon Falls
Boys making a wish with wishing rocks at Cheonjiyeon Falls. View from our submarine tour!

By the way, we could use some comments to see if anyone is looking at this blog. It helps us keep going.

1 comment:

Nicole said...

I'm reading... well catching up... sorry! The pics of the 6th graders are cute. They remind me of my monsters in the 8th grade -- rambunctious, annoying, but often cute and endearing too.