Sunday, August 17, 2008


This past weekend was Korea's Independence Day and there were flags everywhere. Koreans are also feeling very patriotic because of their victories in the Olympics.

The streets were crowded with people walking, scooters, motorcycles and the occasional car made its way through all the people as well.

Yesterday we made our first official trip into Seoul. Loren actually went without me once, on accident. He jumped on an express with the intention of going in to work on a Saturday and realized that he had missed the stop and was then on the freeway with no hope of getting off the bus until 20 minutes later, he was in Seoul. I forgave him for going without me.
We went to Insadong, which is an arts district with all sorts of shops selling traditional wares such as tea sets, pottery, jewelry, paintings, scrolls, statues etc. It was kind of overwhelming with so much to see and so many people to navigate through.
Check out these photos.

1 comment:

Stacy said...

I think it is so comforting that Loren got lost. With all of the changes that are happening, at least that is a constant. And what a lucky guy to have such a forgiving wife!!! Love you bro!