Sunday, July 27, 2008

The fog was so thick we didn't even know we were about to land. I don't know if there was any better way to start this two year adventure. Sure, we did our research about Korea, but the internet and lonely planet books can only take you so far. We were basically going in blind. However, we are fortunate in that we won't be blind forever. As we experience more and more of our new home, we hope our eyes will open so wide it will be as if we are peering from the top of a mountain, able to see for miles and miles in every direction. From that vantage point we will be able to clearly see where we started our journey as well as a mountain in the distance shrouded in a fresh layer of fog. With this blog we hope you are able to join us as we climb and share the view.


L said...

Congratulations on getting there! Starting a blog was a great idea. I'd high five you for it, but since you're on the other side of the pacific I'll have to give you one of the fake "Demolition Man" style high fives where I just raise my hand in the air and movie it in circles. I hope you what I'm talking about.

Keep up the posting and I'll be in touch.

Unknown said...

I assume that you've already mastered the art of using 3 seashells? I expect a tutorial when I arrive (NOT A DEMONSTRATION). (Please reference Demolition Man)

Nicole said...

I'm excited to read more from your blog! And I love the photos ... they are worth a 1000 words, you know. I'm placing a request for more detailed photos of the inside of your apartment - especially of those strange gadgets and various refrigerators you have.

Love you guys!